
Session 2: Professor Andrew Gibson (Wednesday 27th October)

For our second session of the year, we are delighted welcome as a guest speaker Professor Andrew Gibson (Research Professor of Modern Literature and Theory, Royal Holloway, University of London), who will be presenting a paper entitled 'Intermittency and Disappointment: Jambet, Rimbaud and the Melancholic-Ecstatic Conception of Historical Time'.

The session will take place on
Wednesday 27th October in room G34, Senate House, from 6-8pm. All are welcome to attend.

Professor Gibson is the author of a number of books on contemporary theory and fiction, including
Beckett and Badiou: The Pathos of Intermittency (Oxford University Press, 2006), Joyce's Revenge: History, Politics and Aesthetics in Ulysses (Oxford University Press, 2002; paperback 2005), and Postmodernity, Ethics and the Novel: From Leavis to Levinas (Routledge, 1999), as well as two volumes in Reaktion's A Critical Life series: one on Joyce (2006) and one on Beckett (2010). He was recently elected to the Conseil Scientifique of the Collège International de Philosophie at the Université de Paris. The Collège was founded in 1983, by Jacques Derrida among others, and has been much associated with names that include Jean-François Lyotard and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. Current directors include Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou and Barbara Cassin. He will serve for the next three years.


Literary and Critical Theory Seminar - RELAUNCH

We are pleased to announce that the Literary and Critical Theory Seminar at the Institute of English Studies is being relaunched for the academic year 2010/11. The overarching theme for the Autumn term will be 'Disappointment'. You can find an outline of the term's sessions on the Institute of English Studies' website:


Our first session will take place on Wednesday 13th October in room ST276, Stewart House, from 6-8pm. We will be looking at Alain Badiou's Ethics (London: Verso, 2002) and a short extract from Logics of Worlds (London: Continuum: 2009). As optional background reading, we suggest the Introduction to Badiou's Being and Event.

We welcome postgraduate students from all disciplines.